Cheat Engine Ren%27py Value

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  1. Cheat Engine Ren'py Value Codes
  2. Cheat Engine Ren 27py Value Guide
  3. Cheat Engine Ren 27py Values
  4. Cheat Engine Ren'py Value Guide
  5. Cheat Engine Ren'py Value Pack

Ren'Py is a engine for creating visual novels. It comes with a suite of tools for taking code and transforming it into programs that can be run on Windows, Mac, Linux, and even, with a little more work, mobile platforms like Android and iOS. This is a short guide instructing the method to enable developer console. It allows you to apply cheat codes, ipatch and other stuffs. First of all, run your Ren'Py game and press Shift+O (It is an O, not zero). To make it easier, if the option.rpy file does not exsist in the common folder download the one up top and drop it in the common folder. If there is an options.rpy already but no config.developer = True or config.developer = False statement in it, add config.developer = True right below another statement (with same spaces) as long as it is below the python hide statement.

Ren'Py 7.4 is the the product of over a year of development, and one of the biggest releases of Ren'Py to date. This series of releases focuses on updating Ren'Py's internals so that Ren'Py is ready for its next 15 years.

Cheat Engine Ren'py Value Codes

This kind of thing would probably be pretty useful in a game using the DSE (Dating Sim Engine offered in Frameworks. Here are two possible solutions for you. You can just copy and paste the code if you want and modify it to your purposes, but I encourage going through it to gain a deeper understanding of object-oriented programming. About the Game In the not too distant future, on a small island nation, a crisis has arisen. The number of students graduating from school has fallen sharply and university places are going unfilled. Faced with the prospect of mass unemployment and potential economic disaster the government is forced to introduce emergency measures. Modded versions may not contain all cheat options. Keep the stats below 1,000 when modifying them, they can cause the game to crash if they get too high. Also avoid changing the time of day while at school as it can cause a time loop that keeps you at school and the time of day stuck at Afternoon. To fix just changed the time of day to morning.

Renpy Console Cheats

Sakura Dungeon was made with the visual novel engine Ren'Py.
It's makes it harder to hack the game with something like Cheat Engine, but it's based on Python, so the game scrips can be easily decompiled and modified.
In case of Sakura Dungeon we don't have to decompile anything, the game got an developer console, that can be simple enabled and used to modify the game while playing. This is what the guide about.


  • Modify stats and attributes
  • Add or remove consumable, valuable items and outfits

Get Started

At first we want to activate the developer console.

  1. Save and close the game.
  2. Go to your Sakura Dungeon directory.
    gif tutorial
  3. Go to renpycommon folder and search for 00console.rpy.
  4. Open 00console.rpy and go to line 98.
  5. Change config.console = False to config.console = True
    gif tutorial
  6. Done, now you can use the developer console ingame.

Console usage

After activating the console, you can use it ingame.
Try to open it with shift+o.
gif tutorial

Generally the console can execute any valid python command.
We will use it to manipulate the game.


Modify stats and attributes

After starting a new game or loading a save (not in main menu), you can modify your companions(actors) stats and attributes.
Some Stats like VP or AP are dynamic and will be reseted to max value.
Attributes are more static and will be only modified by items you use.


Each ally got an object, you can modify anything about him through his object. Normally this objects got the same name as the character, but there are exceptions. See the actors list for more informations.

There are two main characters, Yomi(the player) and your first companion Ceri.
Yomi is coincident the player himself, so you can access her/players object through player or fox.
And Ceri's object is named knight.With this information you can start modify their stats and attributes.
At fisrt, let us modify our Mana shards amount, attribute currency hold this information:
player.currency=991337 or fox.currency=991337 (is the same)

All object id's and attributes you can find in the actors list .


Possible stats are VP, AP, CP, XP, max_vp and max_ap.
VP, AP, max_vp, max_ap and XP can be directly modified, but CP need two methods.

Seeds Of Chaos Cheat Engine

Example for Ceri:
VP: knight.vp=999 (will be reseted to max)
AP: knight.ap=999 (will be reseted to max)
Max VP: knight.max_vp=200
Max AP: knight.max_ap=200
XP: knight.xp=99

CP methods:
To change CP: knight.cp_change(10, force=True)
Reset CP: knight.reset_cp() Easy weather software for mac.


The list of all attributes you can find in the actors list.
Resistance work a bit different, 1 point = 25%.
Examples for Ceri:
level: knight.level=20 (set level to 20)
Vit (vitality): knight.vit=100 (set vit to 100)
fire (resistance): (4 * 25% = 100%)
shock (resistance): knight.shock=2 (2 * 25% = 50%)
and so on

Attention! Modify attributes like type, skills, abilities, hit, suffer or info only if you know what you are doing!

Add or remove consumable, valuable items and outfits

Objects player, fox and knight got lists, which can be filled with another objects. A list got two necessary mehtods, append() and remove(). This methods will be needed to add and remove items.
Full items list can be found here: Full items list


player got list items, to add an item, we have to append it:
player.items.append(warp_stone) (will add an Warp Stone to the 'Consumables')

If you want to remove an item, use the remove method:


'Valuables' got the type valuable in the items list.
You can add valuable to your 'Consumables', but they can not be used.
To add a valuable item, use this command:

To remove, like before:


Cheat Engine Ren 27py Value Guide

Only fox and knight got both a list named dresses.
Yomi's list can only be filled with items type fox.

Ceri's list can only be filled with items type knight.

Add or remove companions

Be careful, some actors like Ceri(knight) can't be removed! Always save before you add someone!

There are two objects, party and backup.
You can execute two methods on both objects, append and remove.
Get sure that your party isn't full before you add someone!
backup.append(bunny) will add a bunny to your 'BackUp'.
Then you can remove a bunny with
same with party.

Actors list

Full actors (characters) list (Google Table)

Items list

Full items list (Google Table)


Cheat Engine Ren 27py Values

Guys from CE Forum
happybrother for hint about console commands.
glebsa for actors info.

was released on August 2, 2021. The main downloads of Ren'Py 7.4.8 are:

Thank you for downloading Ren'Py. Become a Sponsor!

You only need to download one of these three files. Each contains the full Ren'Py software development kit, with everything needed to develop Ren'Py games for Windows XP and up, Mac OS X 10.6 and up, and Linux x86/x86_64. The development environment contains the files needed to produce games for all three platforms, the Ren'Py tutorial, and 'The Question', an example game.

Ren'Py is free to download and use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It may be modified and distributed under the terms of its license.

Additional Downloads. When necessary, the Ren'Py SDK will automatically download additional packages, such as text editors and Android/iOS support. These packages are available for direct download at the bottom of this page.


I'd like to announce Ren'Py 7.4.8, the eighth patch release of Ren'Py7.4. This release is focused on fixes, and especially fixes a problemintroduced in Ren'Py 7.4.7 that could, in some circumstances, causedata to become corrupt during rollback.

Everyone on 7.4.7 should upgrade.

In addition to that fix, there are multiple other fixes, and asingle new feature - the ability to pause playing movies likeany other sound channel. Please see the changelog for a completelist of what has changed.

Ren'Py 7.4 is the the product of over a year ofdevelopment, and one of the biggest releases of Ren'Py to date. Thisseries of releases focuses on updating Ren'Py's internals so that Ren'Pyis ready for its next 15 years.

Ren'Py 7.4 is brought to you by:

  • Andrej
  • Andrí Wilford
  • Andy_kl
  • Capntrips
  • Cherie Davidson
  • CobaltCore
  • CodePsy
  • Daniel Conley
  • Daniel Luque
  • Dogtopus
  • Eric Ahn
  • GimmiRuski
  • Gio
  • Gouvernathor
  • Gratusfr
  • Hyper Sonic
  • Jackmcbarn
  • Jan Masek
  • Joaquin Garmendia Cabrera
  • Joshua Fehler
  • Joshua Stone
  • Kapil Gain
  • KG
  • Kyouryuukunn
  • Lee Yunseok
  • Lent1
  • Lezalith
  • Lucas Ramage
  • Maciej Katafiasz
  • Mal Graty
  • Mason Chou
  • Maxwell Paul Brickner
  • Midgethetree
  • Moshibit
  • Neotus
  • Paul J Martinez
  • Remix
  • Ruben Jesus Garcia-Hernandez
  • Siege-Wizard
  • Shawna-p
  • Sylvain Beucler
  • Uyjulian
  • Xavimat
  • Zedraxlo
  • 被诅咒的章鱼
  • 逆转咸鱼

everyone who's tested this release, and myself, Tom 'PyTom' Rothamel.

Cheat Engine Ren%27py Value

Modify stats and attributes

After starting a new game or loading a save (not in main menu), you can modify your companions(actors) stats and attributes.
Some Stats like VP or AP are dynamic and will be reseted to max value.
Attributes are more static and will be only modified by items you use.


Each ally got an object, you can modify anything about him through his object. Normally this objects got the same name as the character, but there are exceptions. See the actors list for more informations.

There are two main characters, Yomi(the player) and your first companion Ceri.
Yomi is coincident the player himself, so you can access her/players object through player or fox.
And Ceri's object is named knight.With this information you can start modify their stats and attributes.
At fisrt, let us modify our Mana shards amount, attribute currency hold this information:
player.currency=991337 or fox.currency=991337 (is the same)

All object id's and attributes you can find in the actors list .


Possible stats are VP, AP, CP, XP, max_vp and max_ap.
VP, AP, max_vp, max_ap and XP can be directly modified, but CP need two methods.

Seeds Of Chaos Cheat Engine

Example for Ceri:
VP: knight.vp=999 (will be reseted to max)
AP: knight.ap=999 (will be reseted to max)
Max VP: knight.max_vp=200
Max AP: knight.max_ap=200
XP: knight.xp=99

CP methods:
To change CP: knight.cp_change(10, force=True)
Reset CP: knight.reset_cp() Easy weather software for mac.


The list of all attributes you can find in the actors list.
Resistance work a bit different, 1 point = 25%.
Examples for Ceri:
level: knight.level=20 (set level to 20)
Vit (vitality): knight.vit=100 (set vit to 100)
fire (resistance): (4 * 25% = 100%)
shock (resistance): knight.shock=2 (2 * 25% = 50%)
and so on

Attention! Modify attributes like type, skills, abilities, hit, suffer or info only if you know what you are doing!

Add or remove consumable, valuable items and outfits

Objects player, fox and knight got lists, which can be filled with another objects. A list got two necessary mehtods, append() and remove(). This methods will be needed to add and remove items.
Full items list can be found here: Full items list


player got list items, to add an item, we have to append it:
player.items.append(warp_stone) (will add an Warp Stone to the 'Consumables')

If you want to remove an item, use the remove method:


'Valuables' got the type valuable in the items list.
You can add valuable to your 'Consumables', but they can not be used.
To add a valuable item, use this command:

To remove, like before:


Cheat Engine Ren 27py Value Guide

Only fox and knight got both a list named dresses.
Yomi's list can only be filled with items type fox.

Ceri's list can only be filled with items type knight.

Add or remove companions

Be careful, some actors like Ceri(knight) can't be removed! Always save before you add someone!

There are two objects, party and backup.
You can execute two methods on both objects, append and remove.
Get sure that your party isn't full before you add someone!
backup.append(bunny) will add a bunny to your 'BackUp'.
Then you can remove a bunny with
same with party.

Actors list

Full actors (characters) list (Google Table)

Items list

Full items list (Google Table)


Cheat Engine Ren 27py Values

Guys from CE Forum
happybrother for hint about console commands.
glebsa for actors info.

was released on August 2, 2021. The main downloads of Ren'Py 7.4.8 are:

Thank you for downloading Ren'Py. Become a Sponsor!

You only need to download one of these three files. Each contains the full Ren'Py software development kit, with everything needed to develop Ren'Py games for Windows XP and up, Mac OS X 10.6 and up, and Linux x86/x86_64. The development environment contains the files needed to produce games for all three platforms, the Ren'Py tutorial, and 'The Question', an example game.

Ren'Py is free to download and use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. It may be modified and distributed under the terms of its license.

Additional Downloads. When necessary, the Ren'Py SDK will automatically download additional packages, such as text editors and Android/iOS support. These packages are available for direct download at the bottom of this page.


I'd like to announce Ren'Py 7.4.8, the eighth patch release of Ren'Py7.4. This release is focused on fixes, and especially fixes a problemintroduced in Ren'Py 7.4.7 that could, in some circumstances, causedata to become corrupt during rollback.

Everyone on 7.4.7 should upgrade.

In addition to that fix, there are multiple other fixes, and asingle new feature - the ability to pause playing movies likeany other sound channel. Please see the changelog for a completelist of what has changed.

Ren'Py 7.4 is the the product of over a year ofdevelopment, and one of the biggest releases of Ren'Py to date. Thisseries of releases focuses on updating Ren'Py's internals so that Ren'Pyis ready for its next 15 years.

Ren'Py 7.4 is brought to you by:

  • Andrej
  • Andrí Wilford
  • Andy_kl
  • Capntrips
  • Cherie Davidson
  • CobaltCore
  • CodePsy
  • Daniel Conley
  • Daniel Luque
  • Dogtopus
  • Eric Ahn
  • GimmiRuski
  • Gio
  • Gouvernathor
  • Gratusfr
  • Hyper Sonic
  • Jackmcbarn
  • Jan Masek
  • Joaquin Garmendia Cabrera
  • Joshua Fehler
  • Joshua Stone
  • Kapil Gain
  • KG
  • Kyouryuukunn
  • Lee Yunseok
  • Lent1
  • Lezalith
  • Lucas Ramage
  • Maciej Katafiasz
  • Mal Graty
  • Mason Chou
  • Maxwell Paul Brickner
  • Midgethetree
  • Moshibit
  • Neotus
  • Paul J Martinez
  • Remix
  • Ruben Jesus Garcia-Hernandez
  • Siege-Wizard
  • Shawna-p
  • Sylvain Beucler
  • Uyjulian
  • Xavimat
  • Zedraxlo
  • 被诅咒的章鱼
  • 逆转咸鱼

everyone who's tested this release, and myself, Tom 'PyTom' Rothamel.

Downloads of Ren'Py 7.4.8 can be found at:

A full list of changes to Ren'Py can be found at:

Cheat Engine Ren'py Value Guide

A list of changes that may require you to update your game can be found at:

Please also check out the credits and list of sponsors.

Editor Downloads

When first asked to edit a file, the Ren'Py launcher will prompt you to download and install an editor. As this may fail if your Internet connection is unreliable, the editors can be downloaded separately. To install, extract the contents of the editor archive to the Ren'Py directory.

Atom (Windows)
Atom (Mac)
Atom (Linux):renpy-7.4.8-atom-linux.tar.bz2

Android and iOS Support

Cheat Engine Ren'py Value Pack

When building Android packages, iOS packages, or web distributions, Ren'Py will prompt you to download RAPT (Ren'Py Android Packaging Tool), Renios (Ren'Py iOS Support), or Renpyweb (Web Platform Support). As these downloads may fail if your Internet connection is unreliable, these packages can be downloaded separately. To install, extract the contents of the archive to the Ren'Py directory. (Place the 'rapt', 'renios', or 'web' directory into the 'renpy-7.4.8' directory.)

Android Support (RAPT)
iOS Support (Renios)
Web Platform Support (Renpyweb)

Additional Downloads

Raspberry Pi Support:renpy-7.4.8-raspi.tar.bz2
Contains files required to allow Ren'Py to run on the Raspberry Pi. This should be untarred in the Ren'Py sdk directory.
Ren'Py Source Code:renpy-7.4.8-source.tar.bz2
Contains the source code of the Ren'Py distribution without any binary components.
Pygame_SDL2 Source Code:pygame_sdl2-2.1.0-for-renpy-7.4.8.tar.gz
Contains the source code for the version of pygame_sdl2 required to run this version of Ren'Py. This may be newer than any released version of pygame_sdl2.
Other Dependencies:
Ren'Py contains free software licensed under a number of licenses, including the GNU Lesser General Public License. A full list of software and links to git repositories from which the software can be downloaded is linked above.
Checksums for the various files making up the Ren'Py distribution.

We also maintain a complete list of releases.

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